Category Archives: Functions

Filtering Basics

Filter(SharePoint List or Table,­con­dit­ion­1[,­con­dit­ion2] )
Example: Filter(MyDataSource,Title = MyTerm)
Result: A table with all records where Title = MyTerm

Sort and Filter
Sort(Filter(SharePoint List or Table,­con­dit­ion­1[,­con­dit­ion2] ) , SortColumn)
Example: Sort(Filter( MyDataSource,Title = MyTerm),Age)
Result: A table with all records where Title = MyTerm sorted by Ascending Age.

Sort with Distinct Filter
Distinct(Sort(SharePoint List or Table,­ColumnName ) , ColumnName )
Example: Distinct(Sort( MyBookList, colAuthor),colAuthor))
Result: A table with one occurrence of each Author’s Name sorted by Author’s Name.

PowerApps – Notify

The Notify function displays a banner message to the user at the top of the screen. It works in a similar fashion to a Visual Basic User Information Message or Warning.

It can be used to instruct the User to do something.


Simply: Notify( “Your Message Here“)

Notify(“Message”,[messagetype optional] ), Message Types: Error, Warning, Success and the default Information

Real Life – Example

I have an HGV Transport App used by our truck driver team. When a Driver clicks to start a delivery the record in SharePoint is updated to show “In Progress” , together with Location and Start Time. When it is completed the Driver clicks again and the status is changed to “Delivered” with End Time and Location. How it works:

The Driver App shows 2 Galleries:
Gallery 1: Loads “Awaiting Delivery” and Gallery 2: Loads “In Progress”

OnSelect an Item in Gallery 1:
If(CountRows(Gallery2.Allitems) >0, Notify(“You must Complete your Current Delivery first” ,Error), then else action)